Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Game Design Competition

View this short video about a Game Design Competition that will grant $50,000 to the winner!!!!!!!!
Could you be the award winning game designer?

Go to this link to check out information on rules and prizes. Good LUCK!!!            



  1. OMG I can't belive it thats so awesome 50,000 to the winner thats so awesome.Just that much money for the game OMG I LOVE OBAMA HIS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!And we do need more focus in all tose subjects.

  2. 50,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you serious! Thats just crazy I mean thats a lot I would like to do that I mean making a game is fun andyou get paid for it!!!!

  3. I love the cash amount tat we could earn for our school I think we should look more into it..


  4. 50 grand is alot of money I would be so happy if I were to win the grand prize, this would be a dream come true!

  5. This Video was very interesting about designing a game and winning cash and prizes. Also how we need to work on math and science because those are really important subjects
    That is a lot of money though for a 5th-8th grader to win!

  6. i like this video because u can win some cash and thats why i like this video

  7. wOW tHAT IS A GREAT WAY TO GET KIDS INTO STUFF LIKE THAT WHO ever thought of that is very smart I think that is a great way to get kids active. That was a awsome thing for OBAMA to do He rocks!

  8. Hey Mrs.Arcos I like the video and I like that we are going to win 50,000 dollars is we win

  9. oh my god thats so cool that you can win 50,000 get by makeing a video game and that was crazy that we are the lowes in math and in sci. but i like that we can WIN THAT MUCH!!!!!! i really liked the video

  10. Wow I can't belive the US is number 23 out of 30 in science in the whole world. That is crazy.

  11. This video was awesome I can't beleive what I just hered.I might sign up for it.50,000 dollors to this scholl would be awesome.You know what that's means football gear and football team.We really need to focus on those subjects.We are one of the schools that have globaloria thats a big head start. bye.

  12. Hey Mrs.Arcos I liked the video because it told us that we can win 50,000 dollars.Man we are so going to win

  13. Can you please tell me what to do to enter and win and also make USA go up on the rankings. I wish we all win but we have a posibility to enter we are so advanced and awesome.Some people might enter but they don't have what we have to win. This is so awesome I wish we win.


  14. OMG!!!! 50,000...!!! only for creating a game thats so cool..!!! And one of us can be the ones that can win.... so cooooolllllll:)

  15. !That's! so cool ! I can belive that 50,000 gram !wow! that to much for me.

  16. mrs arcos i liked this video because 50,000 dollar just for creating a game its awesome hopefully we win

  17. WOW!!!!!!!! 50000 million dollars is a lot of money for just 1 school. i would love to compete and it would be so awesome we did win.

  18. Wow nice movie and it seems like a good idea to enter!I can't belive we could get $50,000 it sounds awesome especially if its a contest for making a game.

  19. WE can win 50,00 just for making a game i want to try and give this money for the school I want to win

  20. I can't belive its 50 grand, I got to confess that games and cash, money, dollars motivate me, we really got to win this tournament.

  21. Omg Mrs.Arcos !That Is A Good Oppurtunity For Us Espeacially Because Not Alot Of Kids In Texas Have Learned How To Do Games Like Us So We Have A Good Chance Of Wining.That Would Be So Awesome If One Of Us Won The Competition Because That Is Alot Of Money!!-Monica

  22. I relly like this video is so awsome to winn 50,000 dollors by making a game i am relly interesed on those subjects

  23. i am going to win the 50,000 thousand dolors and win all of the prizes and i like the video

  24. Wow! I hope I can enter this contest and win $50,000! That would be a dream come true!

  25. WHOA !!!!!!! 50.OOO dollars thats a lot of money im going to pu a lot of effort in this so our school can win imagin having all that money to our school just watching that video got me all excited yeah!!!! im going for it

  26. Oh man I can't wait to sign up so I can have 50,000 dollars for college or something. That's gotten me fired up where's the rules???
    I want to sign up like now!!!

  27. I like the blog post on the video because alot of the money goes to the school and at least it has to do something with education and not something else this is a good oppertunity to do something with some money 50,000$ anyways the blog is intense

  28. I love this video couse we can win that money for a game that will be awosem and i think we are gone win that money!!!!!!!!!!!

    bieber fever ilse!!

  29. I don't tink i am interested in entering the contest because i really don't know how to do a game, and if i were to participate i would be really worried and anxious about it. if i were to enter i would base my game off Global Warming because Global Warming is an important cause. If i were to win i would donate about $5,000 to a foundation that helps kids that are sick or need extra help. I would donate about $20,000 for a program that is involved in Global warming.

  30. Hello Ms.Arcos
    That's an excellent blog post you did. Even though it's short it makes sense and humor.
    Will we participate in this competition? It's a great opportunity for EACPA because we can show them how beneficial we are.

  31. OMG ms.arcos you have no idea how interested im in this blog post!! i really wanna enter into the contest. i can not imagine myself with that amount of money!!! I will really like to win so that i can help my mom and also the school and of cource myself ahahahha!

  32. looks nice and I like the part that if you win you get $50,000 dollars and alot more stuff

  33. this game desgin sounds cool.I might enter.

  34. Men I can't belive this!!!! This is so amazing and we have a huge apportunity to be the winners of 50,000 dollars.I will like for me to have this chance to be the winner and be super proud of myself.I just can't wait to start this competition and be the winner. This is going to be incredible!!! Good Luck for everyone thats in this competition!!

  35. I think im going to like this because i like tech and i hope i win becuase i can use the money

  36. I really want to enter this contest now that I now what it is about I have a better idea of what to do.I have a advantage and now I know that I will have a batter oportunity of wining I really whant to enter and will win.

  37. This actually gives us a chance of getting money for our school.We can do it as long as we use our brains.Our economy is bad and we can help our school if we win.

  38. Omg 50,000$$$ i love money this is a good idea

  39. It sounds hosome to win50,000$$$$ dollers just for one student well i wish those who enter luk

  40. Wow nice movie and it seems like a good idea to enter!I can't belive we could get $50,000 it sounds awesome especially if its a contest for making a game
