Thursday, October 13, 2011

Playing to Learn, Genre: Strategy

Strategy games involve the use of critical thinking skills to accomplish a long-term goal. In a strategy game their might be a need for analyzing a situation to make the best moves possible in order to win the game. Sometimes there are time constraints or obstacles to overcome.

1. The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:

2. The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue:

3. The game or games I liked the best:

4. What happens in the game or games:

5. How you play the game or games:


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  3. I think that the games that the kids made were cool and awesome but I also think that we can do even better because we have been learning even more things about how to design games and how to do even more stuff to make the game even better that the ones that the kids did but over everything that i said I think that the games were really awesome but i think we can do even better than the games that the kids did from the video that you just should us.
